You think that your marketing materials should appear clean and professional, and we completely agree with you. Whether you are a real estate mogul or a restaurateur, your websites, cards and brochures may need to feature attractive images. Because we recognize that there is only so much that one can accomplish with stock photos, our photography team stands ready to serve you.

From our experience, it is better for the person who is taking pictures to become familiar with what you would like to accomplish BEFORE taking photographs. Your goals, target market, color scheme and our quality standards should all factor into your photography. Thus, we prefer to keep all photography in-house. Most commercial photographers are not business people – they need guidance. That’s why we like to use our own.
Naturally, if you already have suitable images or prefer to use your own photographer for a project, you are welcome to do so.
For evidence of the quality of our photography work, please take a look at the pictures on websites in our portfolio. As always, we encourage you to contact us if you have any further questions or would like us to show you more samples of our work.
Graphics and Logo Design
When working on a marketing campaign, there are times when even our cabinet full of both stock and original photo hard drives just doesn’t do the trick. After going through hundreds of images, we sometimes realize that a message is better conveyed with a custom icon or character.
At other times, we have clients who come in and specifically request the services of our design team.
Whether you are an established corporation looking for that cool, memorable cartoon or a new business that needs logo and stationary designed from scratch, our graphics team is more than happy to help. At Revenue Increasers, we are well-versed in custom graphics and can help you create a logo, brochure or character that is representative of your company. With our talented graphics department, you will never suffer through complicated concept sketches, extensive revisions and hourly charges. The entire design process is usually very streamlined and hassle-free.
One of the buzz words in marketing today is branding. But what exactly is branding and how does it affect your business?
Branding distinguishes one product from another and creates an impression about the quality of that product. Recognizable brands are so entrenched in our society that the mere image of their name or logo is enough to sway consumers.
Thus, we would like to remind you that establishing a positive brand identity is one of the most effective ways to distinguish your products or services from your competitors. Clean and personalized design work can impart a reassuring sense of professionalism and can help you establish a brand identity.